Saturday, July 4, 2009

Red white and blue

"If you go back and look what the declaration of independence says, if you stand up and support those views today, you are liable to be put on a 'subversive' list."

- Ron Paul.

I remember last year I went to Virginia to my cousin's place to celebrate the 4th, it was very lackluster. It had this hollow empty, eh yeah " I'm sort of proud of being an American ". But this time I stayed in Georgia. What I realized that down south, they seem to take excessive pride of this bold self earned American " independence ". Rebel flags up high and everyone riding around in their pick up trucks eating watermelon and drinking a Bud Light. Never the less people seem to be happy, they seem to be going on hating their life screaming IMPEACH OBAMA.

It's not I hate the south, I think it has a certain charm that I am quiet in love with. Basically the rich hospitality and mellowness of it. Though there are always going to be people to mud it down no matter what. I wonder what it'll be like when I live this little southeast town by the coast. Of course I'll be a lot happier but we'll just have to see won't we?

To all the people doing lines
Don't do it don't do it
Inject your soul with liberty
It's free it's free
How I truely wish salvation was free and that liberty can be easily injected into our blood.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

please wake up

Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?

I've been avoiding sleep because everytime that I do sleep, I feel like I've wasted that day away. And maybe if I stay awake long enough, time will slow down somehow. So I stay up all night reading poetry and drawing on my bedroom walls trying to keep my brain active. I hate falling asleep these days, it's as if I'm never fully rested. I'm not sure if it's my bed or something but I always wake up as if I've just stepped out of a car wreck. My body ache and so does my mind, perhaps I need to partake in more yoga?